Exalted Photography Co turned One on May 15th, well, kinda.

Let's just say the imposter syndrome is in full affect.

But First,

Hi! I'm Sarah Lillich, an Alabama wedding and engagement photographer who created The Lillich Collective to share all the tips, tricks, secrets and funny stories to help guide you through your planning process! If this isn't your first time reading The Lillich Collective I am so happy to see you back! You’re the best. Here are my most recent shoots!

The Iveys


The Holladay's


Shelby & Tyler


Here is why I said, "well, kinda"...

Back when I truly "started" (2019) I didn't have a plan and I also knew NOTHING about the art. Im sure this goes without being said but in 2019 you would probably categorize me as just another girl, with a camera, trying to be a photographer. (Because I was) And to be completely honest sometimes I still feel like that today. Which is totally just the imposter syndrome getting the best of me.


This year I had the opportunity to photograph another friend almost exactly one year from my first ever wedding! Hence the happy anniversary. So, is exalted Photography Co older than one? yes... BUT YOU'LL lie about your age one day too if you havent already, right?

Lets compare these weddings with a similar picture!

Shelbie & Christian

I have known Shelbie for many, many years and to this day I text her every time I book a wedding and I always share a few pictures with her. Because I will truly never be able to thank her enough for taking a chance on me, which in turn, changed the entire trajectory of my business and life. I tell her all the time I feel like I owe her a wedding redo, but she never fails to tell me how much she loves them and how much they mean to her.

Mckenna & Noah

I met Mckenna in 2018! She is the sweetest and smartest person you'll ever meet, if you get the chance! She is my sister-in-law's best friend so I knew I would like her when I met her. She was one of the most communicative brides I've ever met and was SO extremely easy to work with because she knew exactly what she wanted! When she asked me to shoot her wedding festivities, I couldn't help but jump on the opportunity!

While both images capture a once in a lifetime feeling and memory, I think it's safe to say I've come a long way this year. It feels so surreal to be in this position however I've known since 2017 that I was designed to be here.

Lets get deep for a moment.

my grandfather has said alot of things that deserve to be spread to millions of people however I witnessed him tell my husband something that will be stuck in my mind forever. he SAID, "just love people" well, thats part of what he said, because if you knew him you would know he can talk for days. However as simple and cliche as that sounds, it really is so simple to just love people.

In high school I took an event planning class and from the moment I stepped into that class until May 15th, 2021, I just KNEW I was going to be a wedding planner. It was what I was destined to be... Or so I thought. However, in 2021 when my every-now-and-then weekend hobby became my all-time obsession things took a turn. But I'm not at all surprised I'm still in the business of love! And now, I get to "just love people" while they commit to "just loving" someone for the rest of their lives.

With all that being said, Happy (kinda) anniversary and a big ole' thank you to all my past and future brides and grooms for letting my dreams come true the day theirs do too.